
High tech Treasure Hunt

It is a modern day treasure hunt in which the “treasures” come in all forms. Sometimes the treasure is simply finding the geocache, then logging that you found it. Other times, there are small items such as trinkets, patches, poems, special coins, etc that are meant to be traded. The idea is that you only take something if you put something else in. Some items even have websites to track them so that they may tour the world.

Schweitzer is home to numerous geocaches waiting for you to find. Bring your smart phone with you and swing by the Summer Activity Center for a full listing of geocaches (and maybe some helpful hints too). Be ready before you come by downloading a geocaching app to your phone. There are many to choose from, but for a free app we recommend:

For Android Users - C:geo- A free app that will show you where all the caches are and will help you navigate to them. You can plug in the coordinates of a cache directly to find it that way. Once you download the app, you will be directed to where you need to sign up.

iPhone Users - Free GPS- A free app that will allow you to input the coordinates into your phone. It will then link to Google maps and help you to navigate right to the cache. This app may prompt you to install a specific Google app for best performance or Download the app “Geocaching”- This is the official app of The free version is an introductory app and will only show you “traditional” caches (sometimes caches are very small or odd shaped). If you would like to get into geocaching, this may be the app for you but we recommend you pay the $10 for the full version to have access to all caches.